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The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The detailed syllabus of UPSC CGS Mains Examination is given below:-
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Name of Test | Topic | Weightage |
Paper-I: Geology | Physical geology and remote sensing: Principle of uniformitarianism; origin, differentiation and internal structure of the Earth; origin of atmosphere; earthquakes and volcanoes; continental drift, etc. | 11 Q |
Structural geology: Stress, strain and rheological properties of rocks; planar and linear structures; classification of folds and faults, etc. | ||
Sedimentology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc. | ||
Paleontology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc. | ||
Stratigraphy: Law of superposition; stratigraphic nomenclature- lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy; Archaean cratonic nucleii of Peninsular India (Dharwar, Singhbhum, and Aravalli cratons); Proterozoic mobile belts, etc. | ||
Paper-II: Geology | Mineralogy: Symmetry, motif, Miller indices; concept of unit cell and Bravais lattices; 32 crystal classes; types of bonding, Pauling’s rules and coordination polyhedra; crystal imperfections-defects, etc. | 11 Q |
Geochemistry and isotope geology: Chemical composition and characteristics of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere; geochemical cycles; meteorites-types and composition; Goldschmidt’s classification of elements; fractionation of elements in minerals/rocks; Nernst’s partition coefficient (compatible and incompatible elements), etc. | ||
Metamorphic petrology: Limits and physico-chemical controls (pressure, temperature, fluids and bulk rock composition) of metamorphism; concept of zones, facies, isograds and facies series, geothermal gradients and tectonics of orogenic belts; structures, micro-structures, etc. | ||
Geodynamics: Phase transitions and seismic discontinuities in the Earth; seismic waves and relation between Vp, Vs and density; seismic and petrological Moho; rheology of rocks and fluids (Newtonian and nonNewtonian liquids); rock magnetism and its origin; polarity reversals, polar wandering and supercontinent cycles; continental drift, etc. | ||
Igneous petrology Viscosity: temperature and pressure relationships in magmas; IUGS classification of plutonic and volcanic rocks; nucleation and growth of minerals in magmatic rocks, development of igneous textures; magmatic evolution (differentiation, assimilation, mixing and mingling); types of mantle melting (batch, fractional and dynamic); binary (albite-anorthite, forsterite-silica and diopsideanorthite) and ternary, etc. | ||
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | Occurrence and distribution of groundwater: Origin of water on Earth; global water cycle and budget; residence time concept, geologic formations as aquifers; confined and unconfined aquifers, etc. | 09 Q |
Groundwater movement and well hydraulics: Groundwater flow concepts; Darcy's Law in isotropic and anisotropic media and validity; water flow rates, direction and water volume in aquifers, etc. | ||
Water wells and groundwater levels: Unidirectional and radial flow to a well (steady and unsteady); well flow near aquifer boundaries; methods for constructing shallow wells, etc. | ||
Groundwater exploration: Surface investigation of groundwater- geologic, remote sensing, electrical resistivity, seismic, gravity and magnetic methods; sub-surface investigation of groundwater, etc. | ||
Groundwater quality and management: Groundwater composition, units of expression, mass-balance calculations; rock-water interaction (chemical equilibrium, free energy, redox reactions and cation/anion exchanges), graphic representation of chemical data; groundwater hardness, etc. |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The detailed syllabus of UPSC CGS Mains Examination is given below:-
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Name of Test | Topic | Weightage |
Paper-I: Geology | Physical geology and remote sensing: Principle of uniformitarianism; origin, differentiation and internal structure of the Earth; origin of atmosphere; earthquakes and volcanoes; continental drift, etc. | 11 Q |
Structural geology: Stress, strain and rheological properties of rocks; planar and linear structures; classification of folds and faults, etc. | ||
Sedimentology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc. | ||
Paleontology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc. | ||
Stratigraphy: Law of superposition; stratigraphic nomenclature- lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy; Archaean cratonic nucleii of Peninsular India (Dharwar, Singhbhum, and Aravalli cratons); Proterozoic mobile belts, etc. | ||
Paper-II: Geology | Mineralogy: Symmetry, motif, Miller indices; concept of unit cell and Bravais lattices; 32 crystal classes; types of bonding, Pauling’s rules and coordination polyhedra; crystal imperfections-defects, etc. | 11 Q |
Geochemistry and isotope geology: Chemical composition and characteristics of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere; geochemical cycles; meteorites-types and composition; Goldschmidt’s classification of elements; fractionation of elements in minerals/rocks; Nernst’s partition coefficient (compatible and incompatible elements), etc. | ||
Metamorphic petrology: Limits and physico-chemical controls (pressure, temperature, fluids and bulk rock composition) of metamorphism; concept of zones, facies, isograds and facies series, geothermal gradients and tectonics of orogenic belts; structures, micro-structures, etc. | ||
Geodynamics: Phase transitions and seismic discontinuities in the Earth; seismic waves and relation between Vp, Vs and density; seismic and petrological Moho; rheology of rocks and fluids (Newtonian and nonNewtonian liquids); rock magnetism and its origin; polarity reversals, polar wandering and supercontinent cycles; continental drift, etc. | ||
Igneous petrology Viscosity: temperature and pressure relationships in magmas; IUGS classification of plutonic and volcanic rocks; nucleation and growth of minerals in magmatic rocks, development of igneous textures; magmatic evolution (differentiation, assimilation, mixing and mingling); types of mantle melting (batch, fractional and dynamic); binary (albite-anorthite, forsterite-silica and diopsideanorthite) and ternary, etc. | ||
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | Occurrence and distribution of groundwater: Origin of water on Earth; global water cycle and budget; residence time concept, geologic formations as aquifers; confined and unconfined aquifers, etc. | 09 Q |
Groundwater movement and well hydraulics: Groundwater flow concepts; Darcy's Law in isotropic and anisotropic media and validity; water flow rates, direction and water volume in aquifers, etc. | ||
Water wells and groundwater levels: Unidirectional and radial flow to a well (steady and unsteady); well flow near aquifer boundaries; methods for constructing shallow wells, etc. | ||
Groundwater exploration: Surface investigation of groundwater- geologic, remote sensing, electrical resistivity, seismic, gravity and magnetic methods; sub-surface investigation of groundwater, etc. | ||
Groundwater quality and management: Groundwater composition, units of expression, mass-balance calculations; rock-water interaction (chemical equilibrium, free energy, redox reactions and cation/anion exchanges), graphic representation of chemical data; groundwater hardness, etc. |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Name of Test | Topic | Weightage |
Paper-I: Geophysics | Part A | 10 Q |
Solid Earth Geophysics: Introduction to Geophysics and its branches. Solar system: origin, characteristics of planets, Earth: rotation and figure, Geoid, Spheroid and topography, etc. | ||
Earthquake Seismology: Seismology, earthquakes, focal depth, epicenter, great Indian earthquakes, Intensity and Magnitude scales, Energy of earthquakes, foreshocks, etc. | ||
Mathematical methods in Geophysics: Elements of vector analysis, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Gauss's divergence theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Gravitational field, Newton's Law of gravitation, etc. | ||
Geophysical Inversion: Fundamental concepts of inverse theory, Definition and its application to Geophysics. Probability, Inversion with discrete and continuous models. Forward problems versus Inverse problems, direct and model based inversions, Formulation of inverse problems, classification of inverse problems, least square solutions and minimum norm solution, etc. | ||
Part B | ||
Mathematical Methods of Physics: Dimensional analysis; Units and measurement; Vector algebra and vector calculus; Linear algebra, Matrices: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, etc. | ||
Electrodynamics: Electrostatics: Gauss' Law and its applications; Laplace and Poisson equations, Boundary value problems; Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart law, etc. | ||
Electromagnetic Theory: Maxwell's equations: its differential and integral forms, physical significance; Displacement current; Boundary conditions; Wave equation, etc. | ||
Introductory Atmospheric and Space Physics: The neutral atmosphere; Atmospheric nomenclature; Height profile of atmosphere; Hydrostatic equation; Geopotential height, etc. | ||
Paper-II: Geophysics | Part A | 10 Q |
Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Methods: Geophysical potential fields, Inverse square law, Principles of Gravity and Magnetic methods, Global gravity anomalies, Newtonian and logarithmic potential, Laplace's equations for potential field. Green's Function, Concept of gravity anomaly, etc. | ||
Electrical and Electromagnetic methods: Electrical properties of rocks and minerals, concepts and assumptions of horizontally stratified earth, anisotropy and its effects on electrical fields, geoelectric and geological sections, D.C Resistivity method, etc. | ||
Seismic Prospecting: Basic principles of seismic methods, Various factors affecting seismic velocities in rocks, Reflection, refraction and Energy partitioning at an interface, Geometrical spreading, Reflection and refraction of wave phenomena in a layered and dipping media, etc. | ||
Borehole Geophysics: Objectives of well logging, concepts of borehole geophysics, borehole conditions, properties of reservoir rock formations, formation parameters and their relationships-formation factor, porosity, permeability, formation water resistivity, water saturation, irreducible water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, residual hydrocarbon, etc. | ||
Part B | ||
Classical Mechanics: Inertial and non-inertial frames, Newton's laws; Pseudo forces; Central force motion; Two-body collisions, Scattering in laboratory and centre-of-mass frames, etc. | ||
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics :Laws of thermodynamics and their significance; Thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell relations; Chemical potential, Phase equilibria, etc. | ||
Atomic and Molecular Physics and Characterization of materials: Quantum states of an electron in an atom; Electron spin; Stern-Gerlach experiment; Spectrum of Hydrogen, Helium and alkali atoms, etc. | ||
Nuclear and Particle Physics: Basic nuclear properties: size, shape, charge distribution, spin and parity; Binding energy, Packing fraction, Semi-empirical mass formula, etc. | ||
Paper-III: Geophysics | Part A | 10 Q |
Radiometric and Airborne Geophysics: Principles of radioactivity, radioactivity decay processes, units, radioactivity of rocks and minerals, Instruments, Ionization chamber, etc. | ||
Marine Geophysics: Salinity, temperature and density of sea water. Introduction to Sea-floor features: Physiography, divisions of sea floor, etc. | ||
Geophysical Signal Processing: Time Series, Types of signals, sampling theorem, aliasing effect, Fourier series of periodic waveforms, Fourier transform and its properties, etc. | ||
Remote Sensing and Geohydrology: Fundamental concepts of remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation spectrum, Interaction of electromagnetic energy and its interactions in atmosphere and surface of the earth, elements of photographic systems, etc. | ||
Part B | ||
Solid State Physics and Basic Electronics: Crystalline and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems, Space groups; Methods of determination of crystal structure, etc. | ||
Laser systems: Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation. Coherence, Light amplification and relation between Einstein A and B coefficients, etc. | ||
Digital electronics, Radar systems, Satellite communications: Digital techniques and applications: Boolean identities, de Morgan's theorems, Logic gates and truth tables; Simple logic circuits: registers, etc. | ||
Quantum Mechanics: Wave-particle duality; Wave functions in coordinate and momentum representations; Commutators and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, etc. |
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Name of Test | Topic | Weightage |
Paper-I: Chemistry | Inorganic solids: Defects, non-stoichiometric compounds and solid solutions, atom and ion diffusion, solid electrolytes. Synthesis of materials, etc. | 11 Q |
Chemistry of coordination compounds: Determination of configuration of cis- and trans- isomers by chemical methods. Labile and inert complexes, etc. | ||
Acid-base titrations: Elementary Crystal Field Theory: splitting of dn configurations in octahedral, square planar and tetrahedral fields, etc. | ||
Gravimetric Analysis: Titration curves for strong acid-strong base, weak acid-strong base and weak base-strong acid titrations, polyprotic acids, etc. | ||
Redox Titrations: Standard redox potentials, Nernst equation. Influence of complex formation, precipitation and change of pH on redox potentials, etc. | ||
Complexometric titrations: Complex formation reactions, stability of complexes, stepwise formation constants, chelating agents. EDTA, etc. | ||
Nuclear chemistry: Radioactive decay- General characteristics, decay kinetics, parent-daughter decay growth relationships, determination of half-lives. Nuclear stability, etc. | ||
Chemistry of d- and f-block elements: d-block elements: General comparison of 3d, 4d and 5d elements in terms of electronic configuration, elemental forms, metallic nature, atomization energy, oxidation states, redox properties, coordination chemistry, spectral and magnetic properties. f-block elements: Electronic configuration, ionization enthalpies, oxidation states, variation in atomic and ionic (3+) radii, magnetic and spectral properties of lanthanides, separation of lanthanides (by ion-exchange method), etc. | ||
Paper-II: Chemistry | Kinetic theory and the gaseous state: Real gases, Deviation of gases from ideal behaviour; compressibility factor; van der Waals equation of state and its characteristic features, etc. | 15 Q |
Solids: Nature of solid state. Band theory of solids, etc. | ||
Chemical thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium: Chemical potential in terms of Gibbs energy and other thermodynamic state functions and its variation with temperature and pressure, etc. | ||
Chemical kinetics and catalysis: Second order reactions. Determination of order of reactions. Parallel and consecutive reactions. Temperature dependence of reaction rate, energy of activation. Collision Theory and Transition State Theory of reaction rates. Enthalpy of activation, entropy of activation, etc. | ||
Electrochemistry: Types of electrochemical cells, cell reactions, emf and Nernst equation, ?G, ?H and ?S of cell reactions, etc. | ||
Quantum chemistry: Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Uncertainty relation, Expectation value, etc. | ||
Basic principles and applications of spectroscopy: Electromagnetic radiation, interaction with atoms and molecules and quantization of different forms of energies. Units of frequency, etc. | ||
Photochemistry: Franck-Condon principle and vibrational structure of electronic spectra. Bond dissociation and principle of determination of dissociation energy, etc. | ||
Paper-III: Chemistry | Part A | 10 Q |
Errors in quantitative analysis: Accuracy and precision, sensitivity, specific standard deviation in analysis, classification of errors and their minimization, etc. | ||
Separation Methods: Basic principles of chromatography (partition, adsorption and ion exchange), column chromatography, plate concept, etc. | ||
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Lambert-Beer's Law and its limitations. UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic principles of UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Instrumentation consisting of source, monochromator, grating and detector, etc. | ||
Thermal methods of analysis: Theory of thermogravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation, techniques for quantitative analysis of Ca and Mg compounds, etc. | ||
X-ray methods of Analysis: Introduction, theory of X-ray generation, X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence methods, etc. | ||
Inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy: Theory and principles, plasma generation, utility of peristaltic pump, sampler–skimmer systems, ion lens, quadrupole mass analyzer, etc. | ||
Analysis of geological materials: Analysis of minerals and ores- estimation of (i) CaCO3, MgCO3 in dolomite (ii) Fe2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2 in bauxite (iii) MnO and MnO2 in pyrolusite, etc. | ||
Part B | ||
Unstable, uncharged intermediates: Structure and reactivity of carbenes and nitrenes and their rearrangements (Reimer-Tiemann, Hoffman, Curtius, Lossen, and Schimdt,), etc. | ||
Addition reactions: Mechanism of addition involving electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radicals (polymerization reactions of alkenes, etc. | ||
Reactions at the carbonyl group: Cannizzaro, Aldol, Perkin, Claisen ester, benzoin, benzil-benzilic, etc. | ||
Oxidation and Reduction: Reduction of C=C, Meerwein-Pondorf reaction, Wolff-Kishner and Birch reduction. Oxidation of C=C, etc. | ||
Electro cyclic Reactions: Molecular orbital symmetry, frontier orbitals of ethylene, 1,3-butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene, allyl system, etc. | ||
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Characteristic frequencies of organic molecules and interpretation of spectra. Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, N-H, C-H, C-D, C=C, C=N, C=O functions; factors affecting stretching frequencies, etc. |
For Geology
1. Structural Geology by Haakon Fossen
2. Concise Glossary of Geology by Mathur
For Hydrogeology
1. Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks
2. Marine Geology: A scenario around Indian Coasts by T.K. Mallik
3. Geology and Evolution of Indian Plate by Naqvi
For Geophysics
1. Dana’s textbook on Mineralogy
2. Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
3. Mine Closure by Naresh Chandra Saxena
4. Mineral Exploration: Recent Strategies by S. Rajendran
5. Amanda K. Coomaraswamy Writings on Geology and Mineralogy: Scientific Papers and Comments
For Chemistry
1. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity
2. Basic Organometallic Chemistry
3. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis
4. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The Mains Examination for UPSC Geo-Scientist shall be held as a Descriptive Type Test. The mains examination is divided into three Papers in each stream each paper containing 200 marks. The maximum marks for each stream is 600 for which a time of 3 hours will be provided for each Paper.
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Chemistry |
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The Mains Examination for UPSC Geo-Scientist shall be held as a Descriptive Type Test. The mains examination is divided into three Papers in each stream each paper containing 200 marks. The maximum marks for each stream is 600 for which a time of 3 hours will be provided for each Paper.
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Mod of Examination
The mains examination will contain three Conventional type papers. The papers will be Descriptive in nature and will be held through offline mode.
Medium of Examination
Conventional type papers must be answered in English only. Question paper will be set in English only.
Marking Scheme
There will be no negative marking in conventional type papers.
Personality Test / Interview
1. Stage III will consist of Personality Test/Interview carrying 200 Marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).
2. Candidates, who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in Stage II as may be fixed by the Commission as per its discretion, shall be summoned for Stage III (Personality Test).
3. The number of candidates to be summoned for the Personality Test will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled.
4. In the Personality Test, the candidate will be interviewed by Board i.e. Interview Board (s) constituted by the Commission. The object of the interview will be to assess the suitability for the post(s) of Chemist, Scientist ‘B’(Hydrogeology), Scientist ‘B’(Chemical), and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics).
5. Special attention will be paid in the Personality Test to assess the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative, and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy powers of practical application, the integrity of character, and aptitude for adapting themselves to the field life.
Examination Fast Fact
1. Acronym - CGS
2. Conducting Body/ Administrator - Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
3. Exam Purpose - For recruitment and selection to the job of Geophysicist, Chemist Group 'A' in GSI and Junior Hydro-geologist (Scientist 'B'), Group 'A' for Central Ground Water Board
4. Exam Mode - Both Computer based & Pen & Paper Based Test
5. Offered - Once a Year
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
A candidate must be either:
1. A citizen of India or
2. A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (2), (3) and (4) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held [i.e. as on 1st January, 2025] i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 2004.NB: Candidates should ensure that they meet the age eligibility criteria for each post mentioned above for which they are applying.
Age Relaxations
For government servants
The upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case of Government servants, if they are employed in a Department mentioned in Column I below and apply for the corresponding post mentioned in column II.
Column I | Caolumn II |
Geological Survey of India | (i) Geologist Group ‘A’ (ii) Geophysicist Group ‘A’ (iii)Chemist Group ‘A’ |
Central Ground Water Board | (i) Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’. (ii) Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’. (iii)Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’. (iv) Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ (v) Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’ (vi) Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’ |
Further Relaxations
Categories | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST | 5 Years |
OBC | 3 Years |
Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof | 3 Years |
Ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service | 5 Years |
Visually challenged/hearing impaired/physically challenged candidates | 10 Years |
Educational Qualifications
1. For Geologist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India: Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo- Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or an educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) i.e. recognized University.
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
A candidate must be either:
1. A citizen of India or
2. A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (2), (3) and (4) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held [i.e. as on 1st January, 2025] i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 2004.NB: Candidates should ensure that they meet the age eligibility criteria for each post mentioned above for which they are applying.
Age Relaxations
For government servants
The upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case of Government servants, if they are employed in a Department mentioned in Column I below and apply for the corresponding post mentioned in column II.
Column I | Caolumn II |
Geological Survey of India | (i) Geologist Group ‘A’ (ii) Geophysicist Group ‘A’ (iii)Chemist Group ‘A’ |
Central Ground Water Board | (i) Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’. (ii) Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’. (iii)Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’. (iv) Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ (v) Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’ (vi) Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’ |
Further Relaxations
Categories | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST | 5 Years |
OBC | 3 Years |
Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof | 3 Years |
Ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service | 5 Years |
Visually challenged/hearing impaired/physically challenged candidates | 10 Years |
Educational Qualifications
1. For Geologist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India: Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo- Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or an educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) i.e. recognized University.
2. For Geophysicist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ in C.G.W.B.: M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or M.Sc. (Geophysics) or Integrated M.Sc. (Exploration Geophysics) or M.Sc (Applied Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Marine Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics) from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in India or other educational institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed universities under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
3. For Chemist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) under C.G.W.B.: M. Sc. in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature or other educational Institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed Universities under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 i.e. recognized University.
4. For Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’ and Assistant (Hydrogeologist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master’s degree in Geology or applied Geology or Marine Geology or Hydrogeology from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational Institutes established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
5. For Assistant (Chemist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master of Science or Integrated Master of Science in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry or Physical Chemistry or Inorganic Chemistry or Organic Chemistry or Hydro-Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry from a recognized university or institute.
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
Events | Date |
UPSC CGS Notification 2024 | 04/09/2024 |
Online Registration Starts | 04/09/2024 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 24/09/2024 |
UPSC CGS Prelims Exam Date | 09/02/2025 |
UPSC CGS Mains Exam Date | 21/06/2025 |
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
Events | Date |
UPSC CGS Notification 2024 | 04/09/2024 |
Online Registration Starts | 04/09/2024 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 24/09/2024 |
UPSC CGS Prelims Exam Date | 09/02/2025 |
UPSC CGS Mains Exam Date | 21/06/2025 |
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The selection process for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist will be completed via the following stages.
1. Preliminary Examination: It is a Computer Based examination which contains multiple choice-based questions. One will have to attempt two papers. One for general studies which will be common for all posts. The other paper will be stream specific.
2. Main Examination:The main exam has three papers. All have descriptive questions. One will have to answer questions based on the course prescribed for the Masters of the subject required for their stream.
3. Personal Interview: It is a personality test. The interview is held to judge the practical knowledge and the soft skills of the selected candidates.
1. Candidates must selectively point out the important topics from the enormous ocean of topics linked to the Geo-scientist examination while studying for the exam.
2. The most crucial aspect of your preparation is taking notes. While preparing for Geo-scientist , you should take notes in your language. This will assist you in remembering the material in greater detail and for a longer amount of time. Self-made notes, on the other hand, will come in helpful during the last stages of exam revision
3. Learning alone will not help you remember the stuff you have studied for Geo-scientist . Topics should be revised on a regular basis to ensure that information is retained. Schedule your study so that you can complete at least two rounds of revision.
4. Candidates must complete as many Geo-scientist sample test papers as possible prior to the exam date. The most significant benefit of taking online mock tests is that it familiarises participants with the exam format, which reduces anxiety. Candidates can also maintain track of their time management skills by taking online Geo-scientist practise examinations.
5. Candidates will receive the right kind of coaching during their preparation stages if they use appropriate study resources or books. Rather of focusing on quantity, candidates should keep in mind that quality is more important. In comparison to a list of books that may contain irrelevant material, one decent book will enough.
A complete list of Recommended Books for UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist is given below:
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
The selection process for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist will be completed via the following stages.
1. Preliminary Examination: It is a Computer Based examination which contains multiple choice-based questions. One will have to attempt two papers. One for general studies which will be common for all posts. The other paper will be stream specific.
2. Main Examination:The main exam has three papers. All have descriptive questions. One will have to answer questions based on the course prescribed for the Masters of the subject required for their stream.
3. Personal Interview: It is a personality test. The interview is held to judge the practical knowledge and the soft skills of the selected candidates.
1. Candidates must selectively point out the important topics from the enormous ocean of topics linked to the Geo-scientist examination while studying for the exam.
2. The most crucial aspect of your preparation is taking notes. While preparing for Geo-scientist , you should take notes in your language. This will assist you in remembering the material in greater detail and for a longer amount of time. Self-made notes, on the other hand, will come in helpful during the last stages of exam revision
3. Learning alone will not help you remember the stuff you have studied for Geo-scientist . Topics should be revised on a regular basis to ensure that information is retained. Schedule your study so that you can complete at least two rounds of revision.
4. Candidates must complete as many Geo-scientist sample test papers as possible prior to the exam date. The most significant benefit of taking online mock tests is that it familiarises participants with the exam format, which reduces anxiety. Candidates can also maintain track of their time management skills by taking online Geo-scientist practise examinations.
5. Candidates will receive the right kind of coaching during their preparation stages if they use appropriate study resources or books. Rather of focusing on quantity, candidates should keep in mind that quality is more important. In comparison to a list of books that may contain irrelevant material, one decent book will enough.
A complete list of Recommended Books for UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist is given below:
What is UPSC Geo-Scientist? | UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam ie. UPSC GSI is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. |
What is the maximum age criteria For UPSC CGGE ? | To apply for UPSC CGGE , the Candidate should not have attained the age of 32 years. |
Are citizens cf Nepal eligible for UPSC CGGE ? | Yes, the citizens of Nepal are eligible for UPSC CGGE but for the exact eligibility, they must hold a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. |
What are the application fees required for UPSC CGGE ? | The application fees for UPSC CGGE form is Rs. 200 in general. However, for various categories such as ST, PWD, SC, and women sections there is no application fee applicable for them. |
What is the selection procedure for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist? | The selection procedure consists of the preliminary exam, main exam and personal interview. |
Can someone apply for the UPSC CGGE exam with a correspondence master’s degree? | Yes, they can apply. The students who hold a master’s degree in geology from a recognized university can appear for the exam. However, the process of application is the same for all the disciplines in GSI. |
How many stages are there in this exam? | There are 3 stages in this exam – Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Personality Test. |
Is there any negative marking? | There is a negative marking scheme for the preliminary exam. One-third of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted for the wrong answer. |
Which organisation conduct this exam? | This exam is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). |
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
UPSC Combined Geo Scientist is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to recruit candidates for various positions like Geoscientist, Geochemist, and Geologists. The roles and responsibilities of these positions are given below:
1. In the first place, they supervise the work of technicians and coordinate work with other scientists, and both in the field and in the lab.
2. Further, the aims to plan and conduct the field studies and they visit varipus locations to collect samples and conduct surveys.
3. They are responsible for the geologic maps, charts, and scientific reports.
4. Besides, Geologists work on the materials, processes, and history of the earth. Further, they investigate how rocks were formedand what has happened to them since their formation. Besides, there are sub-groups of geologists, such as stratigraphers, who study on the stratified rock. Then, mineralogists, who study the structure and composition of minerals
5. Besides, to analyze aerial photographs, and detailed records of geologic formations found during drilling, rock samples. Further, other data sources to locate natural resource deposits and estimate their size.
6. Then, to present findings to clients, colleagues, and other interested parties.
Particular | Amount |
Basic pay | 56,100 |
House Rent Allowance (HRA) | 6,300 |
Transport Allowance (TA) | 7,344 (7,200 + 144) |
Dearness Allowance (DA) | 1,122 |
Total | 70,866 |
A candidate must be either:
1. A citizen of India or
2. A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (2), (3) and (4) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held [i.e. as on 1st January, 2025] i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 2004.NB: Candidates should ensure that they meet the age eligibility criteria for each post mentioned above for which they are applying.
Age Relaxations
For government servants
The upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case of Government servants, if they are employed in a Department mentioned in Column I below and apply for the corresponding post mentioned in column II.
Column I | Caolumn II |
Geological Survey of India | (i) Geologist Group ‘A’ (ii) Geophysicist Group ‘A’ (iii)Chemist Group ‘A’ |
Central Ground Water Board | (i) Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’. (ii) Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’. (iii)Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’. (iv) Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ |
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
UPSC Combined Geo Scientist is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to recruit candidates for various positions like Geoscientist, Geochemist, and Geologists. The roles and responsibilities of these positions are given below:
1. In the first place, they supervise the work of technicians and coordinate work with other scientists, and both in the field and in the lab.
2. Further, the aims to plan and conduct the field studies and they visit varipus locations to collect samples and conduct surveys.
3. They are responsible for the geologic maps, charts, and scientific reports.
4. Besides, Geologists work on the materials, processes, and history of the earth. Further, they investigate how rocks were formedand what has happened to them since their formation. Besides, there are sub-groups of geologists, such as stratigraphers, who study on the stratified rock. Then, mineralogists, who study the structure and composition of minerals
5. Besides, to analyze aerial photographs, and detailed records of geologic formations found during drilling, rock samples. Further, other data sources to locate natural resource deposits and estimate their size.
6. Then, to present findings to clients, colleagues, and other interested parties.
Particular | Amount |
Basic pay | 56,100 |
House Rent Allowance (HRA) | 6,300 |
Transport Allowance (TA) | 7,344 (7,200 + 144) |
Dearness Allowance (DA) | 1,122 |
Total | 70,866 |
A candidate must be either:
1. A citizen of India or
2. A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (2), (3) and (4) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held [i.e. as on 1st January, 2025] i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 2004.NB: Candidates should ensure that they meet the age eligibility criteria for each post mentioned above for which they are applying.
Age Relaxations
For government servants
The upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case of Government servants, if they are employed in a Department mentioned in Column I below and apply for the corresponding post mentioned in column II.
Column I | Caolumn II |
Geological Survey of India | (i) Geologist Group ‘A’ (ii) Geophysicist Group ‘A’ (iii)Chemist Group ‘A’ |
Central Ground Water Board | (i) Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’. (ii) Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’. (iii)Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’. (iv) Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ (v) Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’ (vi) Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’ |
Further Relaxations
Categories | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST | 5 Years |
OBC | 3 Years |
Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof | 3 Years |
Ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service | 5 Years |
Visually challenged/hearing impaired/physically challenged candidates | 10 Years |
Educational Qualifications
1. For Geologist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India: Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo- Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or an educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) i.e. recognized University.
2. For Geophysicist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ in C.G.W.B.: M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or M.Sc. (Geophysics) or Integrated M.Sc. (Exploration Geophysics) or M.Sc (Applied Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Marine Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics) from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in India or other educational institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed universities under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
3. For Chemist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) under C.G.W.B.: M. Sc. in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature or other educational Institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed Universities under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 i.e. recognized University.
4. For Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’ and Assistant (Hydrogeologist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master’s degree in Geology or applied Geology or Marine Geology or Hydrogeology from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational Institutes established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
5. For Assistant (Chemist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master of Science or Integrated Master of Science in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry or Physical Chemistry or Inorganic Chemistry or Organic Chemistry or Hydro-Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry from a recognized university or institute.
The Mains Examination for UPSC Geo-Scientist shall be held as a Descriptive Type Test. The mains examination is divided into three Papers in each stream each paper containing 200 marks. The maximum marks for each stream is 600 for which a time of 3 hours will be provided for each Paper.
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Physical geology and remote sensing: Principle of uniformitarianism; origin, differentiation and internal structure of the Earth; origin of atmosphere; earthquakes and volcanoes; continental drift, etc.
Structural geology: Stress, strain and rheological properties of rocks; planar and linear structures; classification of folds and faults, etc.
Sedimentology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc.
Paleontology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc.
Stratigraphy: Law of superposition; stratigraphic nomenclature- lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy; Archaean cratonic nucleii of Peninsular India (Dharwar, Singhbhum, and Aravalli cratons); Proterozoic mobile belts, etc.
Paper-II: Geology
Mineralogy: Symmetry, motif, Miller indices; concept of unit cell and Bravais lattices; 32 crystal classes; types of bonding, Pauling’s rules and coordination polyhedra; crystal imperfections-defects, etc.
Geochemistry and isotope geology: Chemical composition and characteristics of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere; geochemical cycles; meteorites-types and composition; Goldschmidt’s classification of elements; fractionation of elements in minerals/rocks; Nernst’s partition coefficient (compatible and incompatible elements), etc.
Metamorphic petrology: Limits and physico-chemical controls (pressure, temperature, fluids and bulk rock composition) of metamorphism; concept of zones, facies, isograds and facies series, geothermal gradients and tectonics of orogenic belts; structures, micro-structures, etc.
Geodynamics: Phase transitions and seismic discontinuities in the Earth; seismic waves and relation between Vp, Vs and density; seismic and petrological Moho; rheology of rocks and fluids (Newtonian and nonNewtonian liquids); rock magnetism and its origin; polarity reversals, polar wandering and supercontinent cycles; continental drift, etc.
Igneous petrology Viscosity: temperature and pressure relationships in magmas; IUGS classification of plutonic and volcanic rocks; nucleation and growth of minerals in magmatic rocks, development of igneous textures; magmatic evolution (differentiation, assimilation, mixing and mingling); types of mantle melting (batch, fractional and dynamic); binary (albite-anorthite, forsterite-silica and diopsideanorthite) and ternary, etc.
Paper-III: Hydrogeology
Occurrence and distribution of groundwater: Origin of water on Earth; global water cycle and budget; residence time concept, geologic formations as aquifers; confined and unconfined aquifers, etc.
Groundwater movement and well hydraulics: Groundwater flow concepts; Darcy's Law in isotropic and anisotropic media and validity; water flow rates, direction and water volume in aquifers, etc.
Water wells and groundwater levels: Unidirectional and radial flow to a well (steady and unsteady); well flow near aquifer boundaries; methods for constructing shallow wells, etc.
Groundwater exploration: Surface investigation of groundwater- geologic, remote sensing, electrical resistivity, seismic, gravity and magnetic methods; sub-surface investigation of groundwater, etc.
Groundwater quality and management: Groundwater composition, units of expression, mass-balance calculations; rock-water interaction (chemical equilibrium, free energy, redox reactions and cation/anion exchanges), graphic representation of chemical data; groundwater hardness, etc.
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Paper-I: Geophysics
Solid Earth Geophysics: Introduction to Geophysics and its branches. Solar system: origin, characteristics of planets, Earth: rotation and figure, Geoid, Spheroid and topography, etc.
Earthquake Seismology: Seismology, earthquakes, focal depth, epicenter, great Indian earthquakes, Intensity and Magnitude scales, Energy of earthquakes, foreshocks, etc.
Mathematical methods in Geophysics: Elements of vector analysis, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Gauss's divergence theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Gravitational field, Newton's Law of gravitation, etc.
Geophysical Inversion: Fundamental concepts of inverse theory, Definition and its application to Geophysics. Probability, Inversion with discrete and continuous models. Forward problems versus Inverse problems, direct and model based inversions, Formulation of inverse problems, classification of inverse problems, least square solutions and minimum norm solution, etc.
Paper-II: Geophysics
Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Methods: Geophysical potential fields, Inverse square law, Principles of Gravity and Magnetic methods, Global gravity anomalies, Newtonian and logarithmic potential, Laplace's equations for potential field. Green's Function, Concept of gravity anomaly, etc.
Electrical and Electromagnetic methods: Electrical properties of rocks and minerals, concepts and assumptions of horizontally stratified earth, anisotropy and its effects on electrical fields, geoelectric and geological sections, D.C Resistivity method, etc.
Seismic Prospecting: Basic principles of seismic methods, Various factors affecting seismic velocities in rocks, Reflection, refraction and Energy partitioning at an interface, Geometrical spreading, Reflection and refraction of wave phenomena in a layered and dipping media, etc.
Borehole Geophysics: Objectives of well logging, concepts of borehole geophysics, borehole conditions, properties of reservoir rock formations, formation parameters and their relationships-formation factor, porosity, permeability, formation water resistivity, water saturation, irreducible water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, residual hydrocarbon, etc.
Paper-III: Geophysics
Radiometric and Airborne Geophysics: Principles of radioactivity, radioactivity decay processes, units, radioactivity of rocks and minerals, Instruments, Ionization chamber, etc.
Marine Geophysics: Salinity, temperature and density of sea water. Introduction to Sea-floor features: Physiography, divisions of sea floor, etc.
Geophysical Signal Processing: Time Series, Types of signals, sampling theorem, aliasing effect, Fourier series of periodic waveforms, Fourier transform and its properties, etc.
Remote Sensing and Geohydrology: Fundamental concepts of remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation spectrum, Interaction of electromagnetic energy and its interactions in atmosphere and surface of the earth, elements of photographic systems, etc.
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Paper-I: Chemistry
Inorganic solids: Defects, non-stoichiometric compounds and solid solutions, atom and ion diffusion, solid electrolytes. Synthesis of materials, etc.
Chemistry of coordination compounds: Determination of configuration of cis- and trans- isomers by chemical methods. Labile and inert complexes, etc.
Acid-base titrations: Elementary Crystal Field Theory: splitting of dn configurations in octahedral, square planar and tetrahedral fields, etc.
Gravimetric Analysis: Titration curves for strong acid-strong base, weak acid-strong base and weak base-strong acid titrations, polyprotic acids, etc.
Redox Titrations: Standard redox potentials, Nernst equation. Influence of complex formation, precipitation and change of pH on redox potentials, etc.
Paper-II: Chemistry
Kinetic theory and the gaseous state: Real gases, Deviation of gases from ideal behaviour; compressibility factor; van der Waals equation of state and its characteristic features, etc.
Chemical thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium: Chemical potential in terms of Gibbs energy and other thermodynamic state functions and its variation with temperature and pressure, etc.
Chemical kinetics and catalysis: Second order reactions. Determination of order of reactions. Parallel and consecutive reactions. Temperature dependence of reaction rate, energy of activation. Collision Theory and Transition State Theory of reaction rates. Enthalpy of activation, entropy of activation, etc.
Quantum chemistry: Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Uncertainty relation, Expectation value, etc.
Basic principles and applications of spectroscopy: Electromagnetic radiation, interaction with atoms and molecules and quantization of different forms of energies. Units of frequency, etc.
Paper-III: Chemistry
Errors in quantitative analysis: Accuracy and precision, sensitivity, specific standard deviation in analysis, classification of errors and their minimization, etc.
Separation Methods: Basic principles of chromatography (partition, adsorption and ion exchange), column chromatography, plate concept, etc.
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Lambert-Beer's Law and its limitations. UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic principles of UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Instrumentation consisting of source, monochromator, grating and detector, etc.
Thermal methods of analysis: Theory of thermogravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation, techniques for quantitative analysis of Ca and Mg compounds, etc.
Unstable, uncharged intermediates: Structure and reactivity of carbenes and nitrenes and their rearrangements (Reimer-Tiemann, Hoffman, Curtius, Lossen, and Schimdt,), etc.
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Characteristic frequencies of organic molecules and interpretation of spectra. Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, N-H, C-H, C-D, C=C, C=N, C=O functions; factors affecting stretching frequencies, etc.
The application process is online, Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can fill out the application form. The application process involves several steps, such as registering, completing the application form, uploading the required documents, paying the fee, and final submission. Candidates only need to fill out the application form with correct details, otherwise, you are responsible for rejection.
1. Registration: Candidate follow the below-mentioned steps to complete registration process for UPSC CGS:
STEP 1- Search the official website of UPSC
STEP 2- There will be an “Online Application for Various Examinations of UPSC, click on it.
STEP 3- Provide details to complete the registration process, after successful registration login details
STEP 4- From the application list “click on Part I” Combined Geo-Scientist Examination.
STEP 5- Click on new registration and complete the registration process by filling in all the required details like community, nationality, and more.
STEP 6- Upload all the required documents in good quality and submit them.
3. Filling up the UPSC CGS application form: In this part, candidates are required to enter their educational qualifications,UPSC CGS exam centres, choices of participating banks, languages, etc.
4. Fee payment: The payment can be done by using debit cards/credit cards, internet banking, IMPS, cash cards/mobile wallets. The fee structure is given below:
Category | Fee (In INR) |
SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates | Nill |
GEN/OBC/EWS | 200 |
5. Print the Confirmation page: On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt is generated. Candidates can take a printout of the e-receipt and online UPSC CGS application form.
Follow the following steps to download the CGS admit card:
Step 1 - Visit the UPSC official website
Step 2 - Look for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist (PRELIMS) Examination, Admit Card Link, and click on it.
Step 3 - You will get this link ‘E-Admit Cards for various Examinations of UPSC’ click on it.
Step 4 - Fill in your registration id and date of birth.
Step 5 - Your UPSC Geo-Scientist Admit Card will appear on your screen. Download it for future purposes.
Step 1 - Go to the UPSC official website
Step 2 - Look for the UPSC Geo-Scientist and Geologists Pre/Mains result option on the homepage and click on it.
Step 3 - Fill up your roll number and date of birth and click on login.
Step 4 - The UPSC Geo-Scientist and Geologists Exam Result will appear on your screen
Step 5 - Download the CGS result for future reference.
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
Particulars | Details |
Exam name | Combined Geo-scientist and Geologist Exam |
Conducting Body | Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) |
Exam Level | National Level |
Exam frequency | Once in a year |
Mode of the examination | Online |
Exam Phase | 3 (Prelims, Mains and Interview) |
Job Location | PAN India |
Official Website |
The categories of post to which recruitment is to be made on the results of this examination and the approximate number of vacancies in the various posts are given below:-
Name of Posts | Number of vacancies |
Geologist, Group A | 16 |
GeoPhysicist, Group A | 06 |
Chemist, Group A | 02 |
NOTE : Following 4 vacancies are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability: 03 vacancies of Geologist { 02 Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy {OH(OA/OL) and 01 HH} and 01 vacancy of Geophysicist {HH} | |
Category II: ( Post in the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation.) | |
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group A | 13 |
Scientist ‘B (Chemical) Group A | 01 |
The UPSC CGS Prelims exam will be held on 9 February 2025 in two shifts. The UPSC IES Notification 2025 had been released on 9 September 2024. The individuals who clear the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination to be organized on 21 June 2025.
Combined Geo-Scientist Examination is popularly known as CGS. UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. The selected candidates work under the Geological Survey of India (GSI) i.e. Ministry of Mines and Central water board (CWB) under the Government of India for Grade ‘A’ and Grade ‘B’ posts. The main aim of this examination is to recruit the candidate for the post of Category I - Geologist, Chemist, Junior Hydrologist, and Geophysicist under the central government. The examination is the initial port of entry into the Union Public Service Commission.
Particulars | Details |
Exam name | Combined Geo-scientist and Geologist Exam |
Conducting Body | Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) |
Exam Level | National Level |
Exam frequency | Once in a year |
Mode of the examination | Online |
Exam Phase | 3 (Prelims, Mains and Interview) |
Job Location | PAN India |
Official Website |
The categories of post to which recruitment is to be made on the results of this examination and the approximate number of vacancies in the various posts are given below:-
Name of Posts | Number of vacancies |
Geologist, Group A | 16 |
GeoPhysicist, Group A | 06 |
Chemist, Group A | 02 |
NOTE : Following 4 vacancies are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability: 03 vacancies of Geologist { 02 Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy {OH(OA/OL) and 01 HH} and 01 vacancy of Geophysicist {HH} | |
Category II: ( Post in the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation.) | |
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group A | 13 |
Scientist ‘B (Chemical) Group A | 01 |
Scientist ‘B (GeoPhysics) Group A | 01 |
Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ | 31 |
Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’ | 04 |
Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’ | 11 |
Particular | Amount |
Basic pay | 56,100 |
House Rent Allowance (HRA) | 6,300 |
Transport Allowance (TA) | 7,344 (7,200 + 144) |
Dearness Allowance (DA) | 1,122 |
Total | 70,866 |
Events | Date |
UPSC CGS Notification 2024 | 04/09/2024 |
Online Registration Starts | 04/09/2024 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 24/09/2024 |
UPSC CGS Prelims Exam Date | 09/02/2025 |
UPSC CGS Mains Exam Date | 21/06/2025 |
A candidate must be either:
1. A citizen of India or
2. A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or
3. A Tibetan refugee who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
4. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belongs to categories (2), (3) and (4) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Age Limit
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held [i.e. as on 1st January, 2025] i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 2004.NB: Candidates should ensure that they meet the age eligibility criteria for each post mentioned above for which they are applying.
Age Relaxations
For government servants
The upper age limit will be relaxable upto a maximum of 7 years in the case of Government servants, if they are employed in a Department mentioned in Column I below and apply for the corresponding post mentioned in column II.
Column I | Caolumn II |
Geological Survey of India | (i) Geologist Group ‘A’ (ii) Geophysicist Group ‘A’ (iii)Chemist Group ‘A’ |
Central Ground Water Board | (i) Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’. (ii) Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’. (iii)Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’. (iv) Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’ (v) Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’ (vi) Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’ |
Further Relaxations
Categories | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST | 5 Years |
OBC | 3 Years |
Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof | 3 Years |
Ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service | 5 Years |
Visually challenged/hearing impaired/physically challenged candidates | 10 Years |
Educational Qualifications
1. For Geologist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India: Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo- Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or an educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) i.e. recognized University.
2. For Geophysicist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ in C.G.W.B.: M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or M.Sc. (Geophysics) or Integrated M.Sc. (Exploration Geophysics) or M.Sc (Applied Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Marine Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics) from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in India or other educational institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed universities under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956
3. For Chemist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) under C.G.W.B.: M. Sc. in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a University incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature or other educational Institutes established by an Act of the Parliament or declared to be deemed Universities under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 i.e. recognized University.
4. For Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’ and Assistant (Hydrogeologist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master’s degree in Geology or applied Geology or Marine Geology or Hydrogeology from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational Institutes established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
5. For Assistant (Chemist) Group ‘B’ in C.G.W.B.: Master of Science or Integrated Master of Science in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry or Physical Chemistry or Inorganic Chemistry or Organic Chemistry or Hydro-Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry from a recognized university or institute.
The Mains Examination for UPSC Geo-Scientist shall be held as a Descriptive Type Test. The mains examination is divided into three Papers in each stream each paper containing 200 marks. The maximum marks for each stream is 600 for which a time of 3 hours will be provided for each Paper.
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Hydrogeology | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Geophysics | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Test Mode | Name of Test | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Type Offline Pen & Paper Based Test | Paper-I: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Paper-II: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Paper-III: Chemistry | 200 Marks | 180 Minutes | |
Total | 600 Marks | 540 Minutes |
Stream-I: Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology)
Physical geology and remote sensing: Principle of uniformitarianism; origin, differentiation and internal structure of the Earth; origin of atmosphere; earthquakes and volcanoes; continental drift, etc.
Structural geology: Stress, strain and rheological properties of rocks; planar and linear structures; classification of folds and faults, etc.
Sedimentology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc.
Paleontology: Origin of sediments; sedimentary textures, grain-size scale; primary sedimentary structures; classification of sandstone and carbonate rocks, etc.
Stratigraphy: Law of superposition; stratigraphic nomenclature- lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy; Archaean cratonic nucleii of Peninsular India (Dharwar, Singhbhum, and Aravalli cratons); Proterozoic mobile belts, etc.
Paper-II: Geology
Mineralogy: Symmetry, motif, Miller indices; concept of unit cell and Bravais lattices; 32 crystal classes; types of bonding, Pauling’s rules and coordination polyhedra; crystal imperfections-defects, etc.
Geochemistry and isotope geology: Chemical composition and characteristics of atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere; geochemical cycles; meteorites-types and composition; Goldschmidt’s classification of elements; fractionation of elements in minerals/rocks; Nernst’s partition coefficient (compatible and incompatible elements), etc.
Metamorphic petrology: Limits and physico-chemical controls (pressure, temperature, fluids and bulk rock composition) of metamorphism; concept of zones, facies, isograds and facies series, geothermal gradients and tectonics of orogenic belts; structures, micro-structures, etc.
Geodynamics: Phase transitions and seismic discontinuities in the Earth; seismic waves and relation between Vp, Vs and density; seismic and petrological Moho; rheology of rocks and fluids (Newtonian and nonNewtonian liquids); rock magnetism and its origin; polarity reversals, polar wandering and supercontinent cycles; continental drift, etc.
Igneous petrology Viscosity: temperature and pressure relationships in magmas; IUGS classification of plutonic and volcanic rocks; nucleation and growth of minerals in magmatic rocks, development of igneous textures; magmatic evolution (differentiation, assimilation, mixing and mingling); types of mantle melting (batch, fractional and dynamic); binary (albite-anorthite, forsterite-silica and diopsideanorthite) and ternary, etc.
Paper-III: Hydrogeology
Occurrence and distribution of groundwater: Origin of water on Earth; global water cycle and budget; residence time concept, geologic formations as aquifers; confined and unconfined aquifers, etc.
Groundwater movement and well hydraulics: Groundwater flow concepts; Darcy's Law in isotropic and anisotropic media and validity; water flow rates, direction and water volume in aquifers, etc.
Water wells and groundwater levels: Unidirectional and radial flow to a well (steady and unsteady); well flow near aquifer boundaries; methods for constructing shallow wells, etc.
Groundwater exploration: Surface investigation of groundwater- geologic, remote sensing, electrical resistivity, seismic, gravity and magnetic methods; sub-surface investigation of groundwater, etc.
Groundwater quality and management: Groundwater composition, units of expression, mass-balance calculations; rock-water interaction (chemical equilibrium, free energy, redox reactions and cation/anion exchanges), graphic representation of chemical data; groundwater hardness, etc.
Stream-II: Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics)
Paper-I: Geophysics
Solid Earth Geophysics: Introduction to Geophysics and its branches. Solar system: origin, characteristics of planets, Earth: rotation and figure, Geoid, Spheroid and topography, etc.
Earthquake Seismology: Seismology, earthquakes, focal depth, epicenter, great Indian earthquakes, Intensity and Magnitude scales, Energy of earthquakes, foreshocks, etc.
Mathematical methods in Geophysics: Elements of vector analysis, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Gauss's divergence theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Gravitational field, Newton's Law of gravitation, etc.
Geophysical Inversion: Fundamental concepts of inverse theory, Definition and its application to Geophysics. Probability, Inversion with discrete and continuous models. Forward problems versus Inverse problems, direct and model based inversions, Formulation of inverse problems, classification of inverse problems, least square solutions and minimum norm solution, etc.
Paper-II: Geophysics
Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Methods: Geophysical potential fields, Inverse square law, Principles of Gravity and Magnetic methods, Global gravity anomalies, Newtonian and logarithmic potential, Laplace's equations for potential field. Green's Function, Concept of gravity anomaly, etc.
Electrical and Electromagnetic methods: Electrical properties of rocks and minerals, concepts and assumptions of horizontally stratified earth, anisotropy and its effects on electrical fields, geoelectric and geological sections, D.C Resistivity method, etc.
Seismic Prospecting: Basic principles of seismic methods, Various factors affecting seismic velocities in rocks, Reflection, refraction and Energy partitioning at an interface, Geometrical spreading, Reflection and refraction of wave phenomena in a layered and dipping media, etc.
Borehole Geophysics: Objectives of well logging, concepts of borehole geophysics, borehole conditions, properties of reservoir rock formations, formation parameters and their relationships-formation factor, porosity, permeability, formation water resistivity, water saturation, irreducible water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, residual hydrocarbon, etc.
Paper-III: Geophysics
Radiometric and Airborne Geophysics: Principles of radioactivity, radioactivity decay processes, units, radioactivity of rocks and minerals, Instruments, Ionization chamber, etc.
Marine Geophysics: Salinity, temperature and density of sea water. Introduction to Sea-floor features: Physiography, divisions of sea floor, etc.
Geophysical Signal Processing: Time Series, Types of signals, sampling theorem, aliasing effect, Fourier series of periodic waveforms, Fourier transform and its properties, etc.
Remote Sensing and Geohydrology: Fundamental concepts of remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation spectrum, Interaction of electromagnetic energy and its interactions in atmosphere and surface of the earth, elements of photographic systems, etc.
Stream-III: Chemist & Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical)
Paper-I: Chemistry
Inorganic solids: Defects, non-stoichiometric compounds and solid solutions, atom and ion diffusion, solid electrolytes. Synthesis of materials, etc.
Chemistry of coordination compounds: Determination of configuration of cis- and trans- isomers by chemical methods. Labile and inert complexes, etc.
Acid-base titrations: Elementary Crystal Field Theory: splitting of dn configurations in octahedral, square planar and tetrahedral fields, etc.
Gravimetric Analysis: Titration curves for strong acid-strong base, weak acid-strong base and weak base-strong acid titrations, polyprotic acids, etc.
Redox Titrations: Standard redox potentials, Nernst equation. Influence of complex formation, precipitation and change of pH on redox potentials, etc.
Paper-II: Chemistry
Kinetic theory and the gaseous state: Real gases, Deviation of gases from ideal behaviour; compressibility factor; van der Waals equation of state and its characteristic features, etc.
Chemical thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium: Chemical potential in terms of Gibbs energy and other thermodynamic state functions and its variation with temperature and pressure, etc.
Chemical kinetics and catalysis: Second order reactions. Determination of order of reactions. Parallel and consecutive reactions. Temperature dependence of reaction rate, energy of activation. Collision Theory and Transition State Theory of reaction rates. Enthalpy of activation, entropy of activation, etc.
Quantum chemistry: Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Uncertainty relation, Expectation value, etc.
Basic principles and applications of spectroscopy: Electromagnetic radiation, interaction with atoms and molecules and quantization of different forms of energies. Units of frequency, etc.
Paper-III: Chemistry
Errors in quantitative analysis: Accuracy and precision, sensitivity, specific standard deviation in analysis, classification of errors and their minimization, etc.
Separation Methods: Basic principles of chromatography (partition, adsorption and ion exchange), column chromatography, plate concept, etc.
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Lambert-Beer's Law and its limitations. UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic principles of UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Instrumentation consisting of source, monochromator, grating and detector, etc.
Thermal methods of analysis: Theory of thermogravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation, techniques for quantitative analysis of Ca and Mg compounds, etc.
Unstable, uncharged intermediates: Structure and reactivity of carbenes and nitrenes and their rearrangements (Reimer-Tiemann, Hoffman, Curtius, Lossen, and Schimdt,), etc.
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Characteristic frequencies of organic molecules and interpretation of spectra. Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, N-H, C-H, C-D, C=C, C=N, C=O functions; factors affecting stretching frequencies, etc.
Step 1 - Visit the official website
Step 2 - Click on the “Online Application for Various Examinations of UPSC”.
Step 3 - From the application list “click on Part I” Combined Geo-Scientist Examination.
Step 4 - Click on the new registration and complete the registration process by filling in all the necessary details.
Step 5 - Select the centre of the exam.
Step 6 - Log in using your registration no. and click on apply now.
Step 7 - Complete your application form and proceed with the document upload such as scanned images and photographs in the application form.
Step 8 - Upload all the required documents and submit them.
Step 9 - After that, the candidate can do the application fee payment process and pay the application fees online through any provided options.
Step 10 - After the successful fee payment and submission of the form, take a printout of the application form and fee payment receipt for future references.
Application Fees
The payment can be done by using debit cards/credit cards, internet banking, IMPS, cash cards/mobile wallets. The fee structure is given below.
Category | Fee (In INR) |
SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates | Nill |
GEN/OBC/EWS | 200 |
UPSC CGS exam centers 2025 for the Mains exam are:
S.No. | Exam Centres |
1 | BHOPAL |
3 | DELHI |
4 | DISPUR |
8 | MUMBAI |
9 | SHIMLA |
1. Reach the exam centers of UPSC CGS at least 30 minutes before the reporting time.
2. Don't forget to carry the admit card along with a valid photo ID proof like an Aadhar card, voter ID, passport, driving license, etc to the UPSC CGS exam centers.
3. Don't carry any kind of electronic gadgets or notes, books, or chits inside the exam centers of UPSC CGS. If found in possession, strict action might be taken against the candidate.
4. Aspirants must not misbehave with the UPSC CGS exam centers invigilators and support them during the complete exam process.
Follow the following steps to download the CGS admit card:
Step 1 - Visit the UPSC official website
Step 2 - Look for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist (PRELIMS) Examination, Admit Card Link, and click on it.
Step 3 - You will get this link ‘E-Admit Cards for various Examinations of UPSC’ click on it.
Step 4 - Fill in your registration id and date of birth.
Step 5 - Your UPSC Geo-Scientist Admit Card will appear on your screen. Download it for future purposes.
Step 1 - Go to the UPSC official website
Step 2 - Look for the UPSC Geo-Scientist and Geologists Pre/Mains result option on the homepage and click on it.
Step 3 - Fill up your roll number and date of birth and click on login.
Step 4 - The UPSC Geo-Scientist and Geologists Exam Result will appear on your screen
Step 5 - Download the CGS result for future reference.
For Official Website: Click here
For Official Notification: Click here
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UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist exam ie. UPSC GSI is the National Level Competitive examination conducted by UPSC under the Indian Govt. For any information related to UPSC CGS exam, go to the general information tab given above, where you will get all the information related to the exam.
To apply for UPSC CGGE, the Candidate should not have attained the age of 32 years. For detailed information of UPSC CGS exam age limit please click on above Eligibility button.
Yes, the citizens of Nepal are eligible for UPSC CGGE but for the exact eligibility, they must hold a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. For detailed information of UPSC CGS exam eligibility please click on above Eligibility button.
The application fees for UPSC CGGE form is Rs. 200 in general. However, for various categories such as ST, PWD, SC, and women sections there is no application fee applicable for them. For all the information related to UPSC CGS Exam Fee and step by step process click on the general information button given above.
The selection procedure consists of the preliminary exam, main exam and personal interview. To know more about the recruitment process of UPSC CGS exam, you need to go through the general information button given above.
There is a negative marking scheme for the preliminary exam. One-third of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted for the wrong answer. By clicking on the format button above, you can see the marking scheme of UPSC CGS exam, which shows how many marks are assigned to each question and how many marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
This exam is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). For access full information of UPSC CGS exam click on General information button above.
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