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MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
MAT exam syllabus includes five sections – Language Comprehension, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian and Global Environment. The topics included in MAT syllabus are common for all three modes - IBT, PBT and CBT. The topics included in MAT exam syllabus are same as that of other MBA entrance exams.
Topic | Weightage |
Percentage | 2-3 Q |
Simple-Compound Interest | 1-2 Q |
P&C Probability | 1-2 Q |
Time & Work | 1-2 Q |
Geometry | 6-8 Q |
Venn diagram | 1-2 Q |
Number System | 2-3 Q |
Profit & loss | 1-2 Q |
Trigonometry | 1-2 Q |
Allegation & Mixture | 2-3 Q |
Time Speed & Distance | 1-2 Q |
Partnerships | 1-2 Q |
Clocks- Calendars | 2-3 Q |
Sequence & Series | 3-5 Q |
Average | 1-2 Q |
Permutations Combinations | 1-2 Q |
Set Theory | 1-2 Q |
Heights and Distance | 1-2 Q |
Profit & Loss | 1-2 Q |
Algebra | 1-2 Q |
Vectors | 1-2 Q |
Coordinate geometry | 2-3 Q |
Logarithm | 0-1 Q |
Elementary Mathematics | 2-3 Q |
HCF, LCM | 1-2 Q |
Ratio-Proportion | 4-6 Q |
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
MAT exam syllabus includes five sections – Language Comprehension, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills and Indian and Global Environment. The topics included in MAT syllabus are common for all three modes - IBT, PBT and CBT. The topics included in MAT exam syllabus are same as that of other MBA entrance exams.
Topic | Weightage |
Percentage | 2-3 Q |
Simple-Compound Interest | 1-2 Q |
P&C Probability | 1-2 Q |
Time & Work | 1-2 Q |
Geometry | 6-8 Q |
Venn diagram | 1-2 Q |
Number System | 2-3 Q |
Profit & loss | 1-2 Q |
Trigonometry | 1-2 Q |
Allegation & Mixture | 2-3 Q |
Time Speed & Distance | 1-2 Q |
Partnerships | 1-2 Q |
Clocks- Calendars | 2-3 Q |
Sequence & Series | 3-5 Q |
Average | 1-2 Q |
Permutations Combinations | 1-2 Q |
Set Theory | 1-2 Q |
Heights and Distance | 1-2 Q |
Profit & Loss | 1-2 Q |
Algebra | 1-2 Q |
Vectors | 1-2 Q |
Coordinate geometry | 2-3 Q |
Logarithm | 0-1 Q |
Elementary Mathematics | 2-3 Q |
HCF, LCM | 1-2 Q |
Ratio-Proportion | 4-6 Q |
1. MAT 12 Years Topic-wise Previous Year Solved Papers
3. Mathematical Skills Study material for MAT
Topic | Weightage |
Vocabulary Based | 3-4 Q |
Reading Comprehension | 15 Q |
Sentence Rearrangment | 2-3 Q |
Sentence Correction & Grammar | 5-8 Q |
Idioms | 1-2 Q |
One word substitution | 1-2 Q |
Odd one out | 3-5 Q |
Foreign language words used in English | 1-2 Q |
Fill in the blanks | 2-3 Q |
Critical Reasoning | 1-2 Q |
Para Jumbles | 3-5 Q |
Syllogisms | 2-3 Q |
Finding Errors | 1-2 Q |
Antonyms | 1-2 Q |
Finding Errors | 1-2 Q |
Verbal Analogies | 2-3 Q |
Sentence Completion | 1-2 Q |
Contextual usage | 1-2 Q |
3. Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension by Gautam Puri
Topic | Weightage |
Data Sufficiency | 1-2 Q |
Data Caselet | 1-2 Q |
Line Graph | 1-2 Q |
Data Table | 1-2 Q |
Multiple Graph | 5-9 Q |
Pie Chart | 1-2 Q |
Data Comparison | 1-2 Q |
Puzzles | 1-2 Q |
Bar Charts | 1-2 Q |
1. Accredited Guide to Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha
2. Data Analysis & Interpretation Data Sufficiency by Think Tank of Kiran Prakashan
3. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for MAT by Arun Sharma
4. Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma
5. The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation by Nishit Sinha
Topoc | Weightage |
Series | 3-5 Q |
Analogies | 1-2 Q |
Analytical Reasoning | 5 Q |
Verbal Reasoning | 2-3 Q |
Blood Relation | 2-3 Q |
Direction sense | 2-3 Q |
Cause/ Effect Relationships | 1-2 Q |
Statement Argument among others | 2-3 Q |
Statements/ Conclusion | 4-5 Q |
Verbal Ability | 1-2 Q |
Assertion/ Reasons | 3-5 Q |
Linear arrangements | 1-2 Q |
Matrix arrangements | 1-2 Q |
Coding-Decoding | 2-3 Q |
Calendar | 1-2 Q |
1. Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha
2. How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma
3. Analytical & Logical Reasoning For CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests by Peeyush Bhardwaj
Topic | Weightage |
Current Affairs | 1-2 Q |
World Records | 5 Q |
Business | 2-3 Q |
CEOs | 1-2 Q |
Awards and Winners | 2-3 Q |
Books and Authors | 1-2 Q |
Company Punchlines | 1-2 Q |
History | 1-2 Q |
International Organisation | 1-2 Q |
Statements & Quotations | 1-2 Q |
Social Issues | 2-3 Q |
Geography | 2-3 Q |
Sports | 1-2 Q |
Finance | 2-3 Q |
Corporate News | 3-5 Q |
Science | 1-2 Q |
Entertainment | 1-2 Q |
Politics | 2-3 Q |
1. Face To Face MAT With 19 Years by BS Sijwali
2. MAT 18 Years Topic-Wise Solved Papers by Disha Experts
3. The Mega Yearbook: Current Affairs & General Knowledge For Competitive Exams by Disha Experts
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
According to the MAT exam pattern, the AIMA will conduct the entrance exam in three modes - Computer-Based Test (CBT), Paper Based Test (PBT) and Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT). Candidates will be able to choose their preferred mode for MAT, while filling the application form. As per MAT Exam Pattern, a total of 150 questions will be asked from 5 sections such as - Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Econimics & Business Environment. The time duration is 120 Minutes and 0.25 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Test mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Suggested |
Online & Offline Type | Mathematical Skills | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | 120 Minutes |
Language Comprehension | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Data Analysis & Sufficiency | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Economics & Business Environment | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Total Section = 5 | Total Question = 150 Ques | Total Mark = 200 Marks | Total time = 120 Minutes |
MAT will be conducted as a Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT) and Internet Based Test (IBT) from home. Questions will be Objective type Multiple choice in nature.
The exam paper for MAT Examination will be in English language.
1. Every section of the MAT question paper carries equal weightage of 30 marks.
2. For each correct answer, one mark is awarded.
3. For each wrong attempt, 0.25 marks are deducted.
4. No marks are deducted for unanswered questions.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
According to the MAT exam pattern, the AIMA will conduct the entrance exam in three modes - Computer-Based Test (CBT), Paper Based Test (PBT) and Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT). Candidates will be able to choose their preferred mode for MAT, while filling the application form. As per MAT Exam Pattern, a total of 150 questions will be asked from 5 sections such as - Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Econimics & Business Environment. The time duration is 120 Minutes and 0.25 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Test mode | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Suggested |
Online & Offline Type | Mathematical Skills | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | 120 Minutes |
Language Comprehension | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Data Analysis & Sufficiency | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Economics & Business Environment | 30 Q | 30 x 1 = 30 Marks | ||
Total Section = 5 | Total Question = 150 Ques | Total Mark = 200 Marks | Total time = 120 Minutes |
MAT will be conducted as a Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT) and Internet Based Test (IBT) from home. Questions will be Objective type Multiple choice in nature.
The exam paper for MAT Examination will be in English language.
1. Every section of the MAT question paper carries equal weightage of 30 marks.
2. For each correct answer, one mark is awarded.
3. For each wrong attempt, 0.25 marks are deducted.
4. No marks are deducted for unanswered questions.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
The candidate’s eligibility for MAT Examination is based on the fulfilment of the following conditions:-
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Number of Attempts
4. Educational Qualifications
1. Candidates who are the citizens of India are eligible to apply for MAT
2. NRIs and foreign nationals can also apply for MAT.
Age Limit & Relaxations
There is no age limit for the applicants to register for the MAT exam.
Number of Attempts
The candidate can take the examination as many times as they want till they succeed.
Educational Qualification
1. The candidates must pass a graduation degree from a recognized University in any stream or a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA).
2. The final year graduation students can also apply for MAT.
Percentage Criteria
1. There is no minimum percentage Criteria to appear for MAT but admission to MBA colleges may require a minimum percentage/marks. The candidates can refer to the information brochures of particular colleges/institutes.
2. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate is calculated based on the practice followed by the particular college/institute.
3. In case of grades/CGPA, the conversion to percentage of marks is based on the procedure certified by the institute in accordance with its eligibility criteria.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
The candidate’s eligibility for MAT Examination is based on the fulfilment of the following conditions:-
1. Nationality
2. Age Limit & Relaxations
3. Number of Attempts
4. Educational Qualifications
1. Candidates who are the citizens of India are eligible to apply for MAT
2. NRIs and foreign nationals can also apply for MAT.
Age Limit & Relaxations
There is no age limit for the applicants to register for the MAT exam.
Number of Attempts
The candidate can take the examination as many times as they want till they succeed.
Educational Qualification
1. The candidates must pass a graduation degree from a recognized University in any stream or a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA).
2. The final year graduation students can also apply for MAT.
Percentage Criteria
1. There is no minimum percentage Criteria to appear for MAT but admission to MBA colleges may require a minimum percentage/marks. The candidates can refer to the information brochures of particular colleges/institutes.
2. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate is calculated based on the practice followed by the particular college/institute.
3. In case of grades/CGPA, the conversion to percentage of marks is based on the procedure certified by the institute in accordance with its eligibility criteria.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
AVAILABILITY OF CBT ADMIT CARD | 17 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
CBT TEST DATE | 23 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
RESULT | Last week of March 2025 |
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
AVAILABILITY OF CBT ADMIT CARD | 17 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
CBT TEST DATE | 23 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
RESULT | Last week of March 2025 |
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
There was no element of surprise in the MAT 2023 December exam. There were 5 sections in the December session of the MAT 2023 exam with 40 questions of MCQ type in each section. To calculate the percentile, the score of the fifth section on the Indian and global environment will not be taken into consideration. The exam had a moderate to easy difficulty level.
MAT Sections | Important Topics | MAT Difficulty Level |
Language Comprehension | RC, Synonyms/Antonyms, Fill In Blanks, One Word Substitution, Parajumbles, Sentence Formation, Vocabulary | Easy to Moderate |
Mathematical Skills | Partnership, Interest, Profit, Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Percentages, Time and Work | Moderate to Difficult |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | Bar Diagrams, Graphs, Pie Charts, Charts, Data Comparison, Line Graph | Moderate |
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | Assumptions, Family Relation, Statement Cause & Effect, Series, Analogies, Reasons | Moderate to Difficult |
Indian and Global Environment | Awards, Books, International, Advertising, Economy, Business | Easy |
MAT Sectional Analysis
Section 1: Language Comprehension
Topic | Number of Questions | Difficulty level |
Reading Comprehension | 20 | Moderate |
Number of RC Passages |
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
There was no element of surprise in the MAT 2023 December exam. There were 5 sections in the December session of the MAT 2023 exam with 40 questions of MCQ type in each section. To calculate the percentile, the score of the fifth section on the Indian and global environment will not be taken into consideration. The exam had a moderate to easy difficulty level.
MAT Sections | Important Topics | MAT Difficulty Level |
Language Comprehension | RC, Synonyms/Antonyms, Fill In Blanks, One Word Substitution, Parajumbles, Sentence Formation, Vocabulary | Easy to Moderate |
Mathematical Skills | Partnership, Interest, Profit, Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Percentages, Time and Work | Moderate to Difficult |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | Bar Diagrams, Graphs, Pie Charts, Charts, Data Comparison, Line Graph | Moderate |
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | Assumptions, Family Relation, Statement Cause & Effect, Series, Analogies, Reasons | Moderate to Difficult |
Indian and Global Environment | Awards, Books, International, Advertising, Economy, Business | Easy |
MAT Sectional Analysis
Section 1: Language Comprehension
Topic | Number of Questions | Difficulty level |
Reading Comprehension | 20 | Moderate |
Number of RC Passages | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
English Language | 20 | Moderate |
Antonyms | 2-3 | Moderate to difficult |
Synonyms | 2-3 | Moderate |
Fill in the Blanks with correct vocabulary words | 2-3 | Moderate |
One word substitution | 2-3 | Moderate |
Phrases & Idioms Substitution by words | 3-4 | Moderate to Difficult |
Errors in Sentence formation | 3-4 | Moderate |
Jumbled Paragraphs | 3-4 | Moderate |
Section 2: Mathematical Skills
Topics | Total Number of Questions | Level of Difficulty |
Average | 2 | 2 Easy |
Equation | 2 | 2 Easy |
Mensuration | 2 | 2 Moderate |
Mixture | 2 | 1 Easy, 1 Moderate |
Numbers | 5 | 4 Easy, 1 Moderate |
Partnership | 2 | 1 Easy, 1 Moderate |
Percentage | 2 | 2 Easy |
Permutation-Combination | 2 | 2 Easy |
Pipe and Cisterns | 2 | 1 Easy, 1 Moderate |
Probability | 2 | 2 Easy |
Profit Loss | 4 | 2 Easy, 1 Moderate, 1 Difficult |
Ratio Proportion | 2 | 2 Easy |
Series | 1 | 1 Moderate |
Simple Interest Compound Interest | 4 | 2 Easy, 1 Moderate, 1 Difficult |
Time and Work | 2 | 1 Easy, 1 Moderate |
Time Speed Distance | 4 | 1 Easy, 3 Moderate |
Total | 40 | Easy-Moderate |
Section 3: Data Analysis and Sufficiency
Topics | Total Number of Questions | Level of Difficulty |
A set on Bar graph | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
A set on Bar graph and Pie Chart | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
A set on Table | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
A set on two Pie charts | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Case Study | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Comparison of two quantities | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Data Sufficiency | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Line Graph | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Total | 40 | Easy-Moderate |
Section 4: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Topics | Total Number of Questions | Level of Difficulty |
Verbal Reasoning (Total of 15 questions) | ||
Assertion and Reason | 5 | 3 Easy, 2 Moderate |
Cause-Effect | 5 | 3 Easy, 2 Moderate |
Statement-assumption | 5 | 3 Easy, 2 Moderate |
Non-Verbal Reasoning (Total 25 questions) | ||
7 members from 7 states play 7 games | 5 | Moderate |
Family tree and weight | 5 | Moderate |
Three families with 19 members related through marriage | 5 | Moderate |
Standalone Logical Reasoning Questions | ||
Weight Comparison | 1 | Easy |
Total | 40 | Easy-Moderate |
Symbol-based Family Tree | 1 | Moderate |
Rank in Row | 1 | Easy |
Mother’s Birthday | 1 | Moderate |
Letter Series | 1 | Easy |
Family Tree | 1 | Moderate |
Direction Sense | 1 | Easy |
Coding-Decoding – Letter | 1 | Easy |
Alpha-numeric Series | 1 | Moderate |
2-D Venn Diagram | 1 | Moderate |
Section 5: Indian and Global Environment
The marks of this section are not taken into consideration during percentile calculation in the MAT exam.
1. Although AIMA suggested 15 minutes to answer the 40 questions in this section, 10 minutes was sufficient to attempt this section.
2. Questions were asked from topics like G-20 Summit, Climate Change Summit, Constitution of India, Appointments, Capitals, Current National and International Events, Budget, GST, CAA, US Trade Policy, JIO-Facebook deal, Awards, Government policies, rules, regulations, Russia-Ukraine War, and Israel-Hamas conflict among others.
3. For the things you don't know or don't understand, there was no need to reconsider or recall. A lot of candidates chose to omit or answer minimum questions in this section to save time for other sections.
4. It took less than 30 seconds to answer a single question.
All India Management Association has successfully conducted MAT September 2022 PBT on September 4, 2022. Let us have a look at the individual sections and the type of questions asked in the exam. This analysis will help all the candidates who have appeared in the exam or all those aspirants who are going to appear for the exam in the future.
Analysis for September Session 2022
Sections | No. of Questions | Good Attempts | Difficulty Level |
Language Comprehension | 40 | 27-28 | Easy to Moderate |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | 40 | 20-23 | Moderate |
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | 40 | 26-27 | Moderate to Difficult |
Mathematical Skills | 40 | 29-30 | Moderate to Difficult |
Indian and Global Environment | 40 | 30-35 | Easy |
Overall section = 5 | Total question = 200 | Attempt = 140+ | level = Easy to Moderate |
Analysis for May Session 2022
The MAT PBT exam for the May session was conducted on May 15 and May 28, 2022. MAT 2022 internet-based test (IBT) was held from May 14 to May 29. Here is the detailed exam analysis for MAT May session 2022 provided in the table below:
Section | No. of Questions | Topics | Difficulty Level |
Mathematical Skills | 40 | Interest, Percentages, Time and Work, Profit, Loss, Partnership, Algebra, Geometry | Moderate to Difficult |
Data Analysis & Sufficiency | 40 | Graphs, Pie Charts, Bar Diagrams, Charts, Line Graph, Data Comparison | Moderate |
Language Comprehension | 40 | RC, Sentence Formation Errors, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, FIB, One-Word Substitution, Para Jumbles | Easy to Moderate |
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning | 40 | Family Relation, Statement Cause & Effect, Series, Assumptions, Reasons, Analogies | Moderate to Difficult |
Indian & Global Environment | 40 | International, Advertising, Awards, Books, Economy, Business | Easy |
Total Section = 5 | Total question = 200 | -- | Level = Easy to Moderate |
Analysis For December Session 2022
MAT Sections | Topics | Difficulty Level | Good Attempts |
Indian and Global Environment | International, Advertising, Awards, Books, Economy, Business | Easy | 30-35 |
Language Comprehension | RC, Sentence formation errors, vocabulary, synonyms/antonyms, FIB, one-word substitution, para jumbles | Easy to Moderate | 27-28 |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | Graphs, Pie Charts, Bar Diagrams, Charts, Line Graph, Data Comparison | Moderate | 20-23 |
Mathematical Skills | Interest, Percentages, Time and Work, Profit, Loss, Partnership, Algebra, Geometry | Moderate to Difficult | 29-30 |
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | Family Relation, Statement Cause & Effect, Series, Assumptions, Reasons, Analogies | Moderate to Difficult | 26-27 |
Overall section = 5 | - | Level = Easy to Moderate | Attempt = 140+ |
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
The only deciding factor for the selection or rejection of a candidate is the Strategy & Planning which is used by them for their preparation for the MAT Examination. A good and result-oriented Strategy & Planning for the examination will definitely allow the candidates to make their way through MAT Examination. The foremost step in planning involves preparing a study plan based on the Syllabus.
MAT 30-Day Preparation / Study Timetable
Days | Topics (Mathematical Skills) | Topics (Data Analysis and Sufficiency) | Topics | Topics | Topics |
Day 1 | HCF and LCM | Pie Chart | Verbal Reasoning | Critical Reasoning | Current Affairs |
Day 2 | Percentages | Pie Chart | Syllogisms | Visual reasoning | World records |
Day 3 | Ratios and proportions | Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Sequencing | Business |
Day 4 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 5 | Quadratic and linear equations | Graphs | Using the same word with a different meaning | Critical Reasoning | Award and Winners |
Day 6 | Work and Time | Bar Graphs | Contextual Usage | Visual reasoning | Books and Aurthors |
Day 7 | Work and Time | Bar Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Sequencing | Company Punchlines |
Day 8 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | History |
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
The only deciding factor for the selection or rejection of a candidate is the Strategy & Planning which is used by them for their preparation for the MAT Examination. A good and result-oriented Strategy & Planning for the examination will definitely allow the candidates to make their way through MAT Examination. The foremost step in planning involves preparing a study plan based on the Syllabus.
MAT 30-Day Preparation / Study Timetable
Days | Topics (Mathematical Skills) | Topics (Data Analysis and Sufficiency) | Topics | Topics | Topics |
Day 1 | HCF and LCM | Pie Chart | Verbal Reasoning | Critical Reasoning | Current Affairs |
Day 2 | Percentages | Pie Chart | Syllogisms | Visual reasoning | World records |
Day 3 | Ratios and proportions | Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Sequencing | Business |
Day 4 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 5 | Quadratic and linear equations | Graphs | Using the same word with a different meaning | Critical Reasoning | Award and Winners |
Day 6 | Work and Time | Bar Graphs | Contextual Usage | Visual reasoning | Books and Aurthors |
Day 7 | Work and Time | Bar Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Sequencing | Company Punchlines |
Day 8 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | History |
Day 9 | Geometry | Line Charts | Analogies | Coding and Decoding | International Organisation |
Day 10 | Geometry | Line Charts | One Word Substitution | Assumption-Premise-Conclusion | Statements & Quotations |
Day 11 | Geometric Progression | Pie Chart | Vocabulary 50 words | Assumption-Premise-Conclusion | Social Issues |
Day 12 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 13 | Time-Speed-Distance | Column Graphs | Antonyms | Statements and Assumptions | Geography |
Day 14 | Profit and Loss | Column Graphs | Idioms | Statements and Assumptions | Sports |
Day 15 | Geometric Progression | Line Charts | Vocabulary 50 words | Identifying valid inferences | Finance |
Day 16 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 17 | Algebra | Venn Diagram | Fill in the Blanks | Assertion and Reasons | Corporate News |
Day 18 | Algebra | Venn Diagram | Odd man out | Identifying Reasons | Science |
Day 19 | Algebra | Bar Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Linear Arrangements | Entertainment |
Day 20 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 21 | Averages | Graphs | Jumbled Paragraphs | Linear Arrangements | Politics |
Day 22 | Number System | Pie Chart | Sentence Completion | Matrix Arrangements | CEOs |
Day 23 | Partnership (Accounts) | Bar Graphs | Vocabulary 50 words | Matrix Arrangements | Current Affairs |
Day 24 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 25 | Percentages | Column Graphs | Sentence Correction | Family tree | Books and authors/ Awards |
Day 26 | Vectors | Venn Diagram | Foreign language words used in English | Family tree | Geography |
Day 27 | Work and Time | Line Charts | Vocabulary 50 words | Cause and effect | Current Affairs |
Day 28 | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test | Mock Test |
Day 29 | Time-Speed-Distance | Venn Diagram | Reading Comprehension | Cause and effect | History |
Day 30 | Geometry | Bar Graphs | Reading Comprehension | Critical Reasoning | Sports |
1. Familiar with Exam Pattern & Syllabus : In the process of preparation, knowing where to start is the key to making a successful exam strategy. One should know the MAT exam pattern and MAT syllabus thoroughly to crack MAT exam paper with a high score. Based on the exam pattern and syllabus, candidates may then gather best MAT exam study material such as MAT preparation books, MAT sample papers, MAT practice book and MAT previous year papers.
2. Plan Study Routine: Once you know the exam pattern and syllabus as well as the study material for MAT, candidates may plan a study routine in advance, allotting time for each subject. This way, they will be more organised and would be able to study each subject systematically.
3. Speed and Accuracy: First, candidates should focus on solving the papers subject-wise, within the time-limit. Then, they may take an entire model paper or a previous paper and try to finish the same in time. While speed is a crucial aspect, accuracy is paramount to achieving a good score in MAT.
4. Time management: Before starting the exam, candidates should spend five minutes at least to take a look at the paper for five minutes. in the beginning, test takers should focus on solving the easier questions first and then moving on to the tougher ones. Candidates must read the instructions and questions in the paper carefully.
5. Confidence is the Key: Staying nervousness throughout the course of MAT exam preparation could turn out to be a big roadblock. Candidates must try and stay confident in order to answer the questions efficiently.
What is MAT exam for? | MAT exam is conducted for admission to MBA and PGDM/PGP programmes offered by over 700 B-Schools in India. The exam is conducted multiple times in four phases – February, May, September and December. |
What is MAT eligibility criteria? | The minimum eligibility criteria for MAT exam is graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Final year graduation students or awaiting results are also eligible to appear in MAT. |
Is MAT only for MBA? | Yes, MAT exam is conducted only for admission to MBA and PGDM/PGP courses. It is a management aptitude test comprising quantitative aptitude, critical reasoning, data interpretation, data sufficiency, language comprehension and general awareness. |
Do IIMs accept MAT score? | No, IIMs do not accept MAT score for MBA admission. However, there are over 700 well reputed MBA colleges which accept MAT score including Amity University, GL Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Christ University, GITAM Institute of Management, JIMS Rohini, Jain University, Taxila Business School, Jaipur and SRM University. |
Which is better - MAT or CAT? | CAT is the most popular MBA entrance exam in India because it is the gateway to IIMs and other top B-school. However, it is a tough exam compared to MAT and there is no provision to improve score by taking multiple attempts unlike MAT. |
What is MAT age limit? | There is no age limit for appearing in MAT exam. Any candidate who has a graduation degree can appear for MAT. |
What is the difference between CBT and PBT modes | The CBT mode exam is conducted online in which, candidates have to punch in their answers on the computer screen with the help of mousepad. In PBT mode exam, candidates have to fill an OMR sheet with the suitable option as answers. |
What is MAT IBT mode exam? | IBT stands for Internet Based Test. AIMA introduced remote-proctored exam in due to Coronavirus outbreak for candidates to take the exam from home on a laptop or desktop with functional web camera. |
What is the marking scheme of MAT exam? | Total marks of MAT exam is 150. The question paper has 150 questions (30 in each section) carrying one mark each. There is negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. |
Which section of MAT exam has maximum | Each section of MAT exam has equal weightage of 30 questions and 30 marks. Each question carries one mark for correct attempt. There is negative marking in MAT. Thus, candidates must not attempt a question they are not sure of. |
Does MAT have subjective type questions? | No, MAT has only objective type questions. For each question, there are four options to choose the right answer. The candidates must mark their answers carefully to avoid negative marking. |
Can I make another attempt at MAT exam, if I score | Yes, you can attempt MAT exam as many times as you want. MAT is conducted multiple times in a year and three different modes. However, the score of the last attempted MAT exam will be considered for admission. |
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
AVAILABILITY OF CBT ADMIT CARD | 17 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
CBT TEST DATE | 23 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
RESULT | Last week of March 2025 |
1. Candidates who are the citizens of India are eligible to apply for MAT
2. NRIs and foreign nationals can also apply for MAT.
Age Limit & Relaxations
There is no age limit for the applicants to register for the MAT exam.
Number Of Attempts
The candidate can take the examination as many times as they want till they succeed.
Educational Qualifications
1. The candidates must pass a graduation degree from a recognized University in any stream or a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA).
2. The final year graduation students can also apply for MAT.
1. According to the MAT exam pattern, the AIMA will conduct the entrance exam in two modes - PBT (Paper Based Test) and CBT (Computer Based Test).
2. A total of 150 questions will be asked from 5 sections such as - Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Economics & Business Environment.
3. The MAT Exam Duration is 2 hours.
5. Total Marks allotted for the MAT exam is 150.
6. The questions will be objective type for both online and offline modes.
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
AVAILABILITY OF CBT ADMIT CARD | 17 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
CBT TEST DATE | 23 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
RESULT | Last week of March 2025 |
1. Candidates who are the citizens of India are eligible to apply for MAT
2. NRIs and foreign nationals can also apply for MAT.
Age Limit & Relaxations
There is no age limit for the applicants to register for the MAT exam.
Number Of Attempts
The candidate can take the examination as many times as they want till they succeed.
Educational Qualifications
1. The candidates must pass a graduation degree from a recognized University in any stream or a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA).
2. The final year graduation students can also apply for MAT.
1. According to the MAT exam pattern, the AIMA will conduct the entrance exam in two modes - PBT (Paper Based Test) and CBT (Computer Based Test).
2. A total of 150 questions will be asked from 5 sections such as - Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Economics & Business Environment.
3. The MAT Exam Duration is 2 hours.
5. Total Marks allotted for the MAT exam is 150.
6. The questions will be objective type for both online and offline modes.
7. For every correct answer, 1 mark will be rewarded.
8. However, for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Mathematical Skills
1. Percentage
2. Simple-Compound Interest
3. Time & Work
4. Number System
5. Trigonometry
Language Comprehension
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Sentence Rearrangment
3. One word substitution
4. Para Jumbles
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
1. Data Sufficiency
2. Data Caselet
3. Line Graph
4. Pie Chart
5. Data Comparison
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
1. Analogies
2. Analytical Reasoning
3. Blood Relation
4. Direction sense
Economics & Business Environment
1. Current Affairs
2. World Records
3. Business
4. CEOs
5. Awards and Winners
6. Books and Authors
7. Company Punch.
8. History
9. International Organisation
10. Statements & Quotations
11. Social issues
12. Geography
13. Sports
14. Finance
15. Corporate News
16. Science
17. Entertainment
18. Politics
The application process is online, Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can fill out the application form. The application process involves several steps, such as registering, completing the application form, uploading the required documents, paying the fee, and final submission. Candidates only need to fill out the application form with correct details, otherwise, you are responsible for rejection.
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Enter your basic details, including your name, phone number, email ID, and DOB, and set a password for the further login process
Step 3: Click on the "Submit" button.
Step 4: An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile numberVerify the phone number using the OTP
Step 5: New login credentials will be sent to your registered email ID.
Step 6: Log in to the portal again with your login credentials
Step 7: Select the MAT test modes that are PBT, and CBT as per your convenience.
Step 8: Select Test Cities in MAT Registration form
Step 9: Upload scanned passport-size photograph and signature
Step 10: Pay MAT exam fees by online modes through internet banking, credit card, debit card, and mobile wallet.
Step 11: Fill in personal details, academic record, work experience and five preferred management institutes for admission
Step 12: Review the form to make changes if required
Document Required
1. Valid Email Id
2. Scanned image of photograph (10 to 50 kb)
3. Scanned image of signature (5 to 20 kb)
4. Credit Card/Debit Card (ATM Card) or Net Banking details
Application Fees
MAT Test Mode | MAT Fee |
For Paper Based Test (PBT) | Rs 2100 /- |
For PBT + CBT | Rs 3600 /- |
Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download their admit card for MAT exam:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the download tab on the homepage when it becomes active.
Step 3: Select “MAT admit card” from the dropdown menu.
Step 4: Login with your password, DOB, and the registered email ID
Step 5: Click on the “Login” tab.
Step 6: Check all the details mentioned on the admit card.
Step 7: Download and take a printout of it for future reference.
Candidates can check their MAT result by following the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on 'MAT result'
Step 3: Select Exam Month
Step 4: Enter Roll Number and Registration Number
Step 5: Click on the 'Submit' tab
Step 6: MAT scorecard will appear on the screen
Step 7: Download the result and take the printout of the scorecard.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Particulars | Details |
Exam Name | Management Aptitude Test (MAT) |
Conducting Body | All Indian Management Association |
Purpose of Exam | For admission to MBA and allied programs |
Exam Frequency | Multiple times a year |
Exam Mode | Paper-Based Test, Computer-Based test = Total 2 modes of test |
Language | English |
MAT Exam Fees | For Paper Based Test (PBT) or Computer Based Test (CBT): Rs. 2100/- |
Exam Duration | 120 Minute |
Total Question | 150 |
Marking Scheme | 1 mark for every correct answer |
Official website |
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT 2025 Paper Based Test (PBT) exam for will be held on March 09, 2025 and MAT 2025 Computer Based Test (CBT) exam for will be held on March 23, 2025. The result of computer based examination is likely to be declared in the last week of March.
Management Aptitude Test or MAT is a national level MBA entrance exam for admission to over 800 B-schools across India. MAT exam is conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) four times in a year – February, May, September and December. MAT is the only MBA entrance exam in India that offers the option to appear in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT) modes.
Particulars | Details |
Exam Name | Management Aptitude Test (MAT) |
Conducting Body | All Indian Management Association |
Purpose of Exam | For admission to MBA and allied programs |
Exam Frequency | Multiple times a year |
Exam Mode | Paper-Based Test, Computer-Based test = Total 2 modes of test |
Language | English |
MAT Exam Fees | For Paper Based Test (PBT) or Computer Based Test (CBT): Rs. 2100/- |
Exam Duration | 120 Minute |
Total Question | 150 |
Marking Scheme | 1 mark for every correct answer |
Official website |
Test Mode | Event | Date |
AVAILABILITY OF PBT ADMIT CARD | 5 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
PBT TEST DATE | 9 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
AVAILABILITY OF CBT ADMIT CARD | 17 March 2025 (5.00 PM Onwards) | |
CBT TEST DATE | 23 March 2025 (Sunday) | |
RESULT | Last week of March 2025 |
1. Candidates who are the citizens of India are eligible to apply for MAT
2. NRIs and foreign nationals can also apply for MAT.
Age Limit & Relaxations
There is no age limit for the applicants to register for the MAT exam.
Number Of Attempts
The candidate can take the examination as many times as they want till they succeed.
Educational Qualifications
1. The candidates must pass a graduation degree from a recognized University in any stream or a professional degree (CA/CS/ICWA).
2. The final year graduation students can also apply for MAT.
1. According to the MAT exam pattern, the AIMA will conduct the entrance exam in two modes - PBT (Paper Based Test) and CBT (Computer Based Test).
2. A total of 150 questions will be asked from 5 sections such as - Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Economics & Business Environment.
3. The MAT Exam Duration is 2 hours.
5. Total Marks allotted for the MAT exam is 150.
6. The questions will be objective type for both online and offline modes.
7. For every correct answer, 1 mark will be rewarded.
8. However, for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Mathematical Skills
1. Percentage
2. Simple-Compound Interest
3. Time & Work
4. Number System
5. Trigonometry
Language Comprehension
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Sentence Rearrangment
3. One word substitution
4. Para Jumbles
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
1. Data Sufficiency
2. Data Caselet
3. Line Graph
4. Pie Chart
5. Data Comparison
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
1. Analogies
2. Analytical Reasoning
3. Blood Relation
4. Direction sense
Economics & Business Environment
1. Current Affairs
2. World Records
3. Business
4. CEOs
5. Awards and Winners
6. Books and Authors
7. Company Punch.
8. History
9. International Organisation
10. Statements & Quotations
11. Social issues
12. Geography
13. Sports
14. Finance
15. Corporate News
16. Science
17. Entertainment
18. Politics
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Enter your basic details, including your name, phone number, email ID, and DOB, and set a password for the further login process
Step 3: Click on the "Submit" button.
Step 4: An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile numberVerify the phone number using the OTP
Step 5: New login credentials will be sent to your registered email ID.
Step 6: Log in to the portal again with your login credentials
Step 7: Select the MAT test modes that are PBT, and CBT as per your convenience.
Step 8: Select Test Cities in MAT Registration form
Step 9: Upload scanned passport-size photograph and signature
Step 10: Pay MAT exam fees by online modes through internet banking, credit card, debit card, and mobile wallet.
Step 11: Fill in personal details, academic record, work experience and five preferred management institutes for admission
Step 12: Review the form to make changes if required
Step 13: Click on submit to make final submission
Application Fees
MAT Test Mode | MAT Fee |
Paper Based Test (PBT) or | Rs 2100 /- |
For PBT + CBT | Rs 3600 /- |
Computer Based Test (CBT)
S.No. | Test City |
1 | AGRA |
6 | BHOPAL |
11 | Dehradun |
12 | DELHI (NCR) |
15 | GURGAON |
19 | INDORE |
20 | JAIPUR |
21 | JAMMU |
22 | KOLKATA |
24 | LUCKNOW |
25 | MADURAI |
26 | MEERUT |
27 | MUMBAI |
28 | MAYSURU |
29 | PATNA |
31 | NASIK |
32 | NOIDA |
33 | PATNA |
34 | PUNE |
35 | RAIPUR |
36 | RANCHI |
39 | SHIMLA |
40 | SILCHAR |
43 | VELLORE |
Paper Based Test (PBT)
S.No. | Test City |
2 | BHILAI |
6 | DELHI |
13 | JODHPUR |
14 | KANPUR |
15 | KOLKATA |
17 | LUCKNOW |
18 | MADURAI |
21 | MUMBAI |
22 | NAGPUR |
23 | NOIDA |
24 | PANJIM |
25 | PATNA |
27 | PUNE |
28 | RAIPUR |
29 | RANCHI |
31 | SURAT |
32 | TEJPUR |
Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download their admit card for MAT exam:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the download tab on the homepage when it becomes active.
Step 3: Select “MAT admit card” from the dropdown menu.
Step 4: Login with your password, DOB, and the registered email ID
Step 5: Click on the “Login” tab.
Step 6: Check all the details mentioned on the admit card.
Step 7: Download and take a printout of it for future reference.
Candidates can check their MAT result by following the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on 'MAT result'
Step 3: Select Exam Month
Step 4: Enter Roll Number and Registration Number
Step 5: Click on the 'Submit' tab
Step 6: MAT scorecard will appear on the screen
Step 7: Download the result and take the printout of the scorecard.
For Official Website: Click here
For MAT Northern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Western Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Eastern Region Prospectus: Click Here
For MAT Southern Region Prospectus: Click Here
Candidates will need to log in using their registered email address and password. CBT 2 is scheduled for Sunday, December 22, 2024...
Posted On: 19 Dec, 2024 | |
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Candidates interested in appearing in the Management Aptitude Test can apply on the official website...
Posted On: 07 Sep, 2024 | |
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The MAT 2024 admit card download link is accessible on the official website. Students can download the MAT 2024 admit card by visiting the official website and logging in with their email address and password...
Posted On: 16 Aug, 2024 | |
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Management students interested in pursuing MBA/PGDM courses and taking the exam can apply through AIMA's official website...
Posted On: 07 Aug, 2024 | |
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According to the All India Management Association (AIMA), the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is approved in over 20,000 management seats in 600+ B-Schools across the country...
Posted On: 19 Jul, 2024 | |
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The test is administered in three modes: paper-based testing (PBT), computer-based testing (CBT), and internet-based testing (IBT)...
Posted On: 24 Jun, 2024 | |
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According to the All India Management Association (AIMA), the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is accepted for over 20,000 management seats in top-tier colleges across the country...
Posted On: 28 May, 2024 | |
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Candidates who want to give the Computer Based Test (CBT) need to download their admit card from the official website...
Posted On: 12 May, 2023 | |
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Candidates appeared in the MAT exam to get admission to various MBA and associated programs can check and obtain their MAT admit cards from the official website...
Posted On: 15 Sep, 2023 | |
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Candidates who appeared in the entrance exam can check and download their scorecards by using the official website and entering the relevant login credentials...
Posted On: 22 Sep, 2023 | |
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Students who are appearing in the examinations can view the full test schedule on the official website...
Posted On: 23 Nov, 2023 | |
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The MAT 2023 PBT Exam Will Be conducted on December 9...
Posted On: 02 Dec, 2023 | |
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The All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts the MAT for admission to over 20,000 prestigious management seats in top-tier colleges across the country...
Posted On: 20 Feb, 2024 | |
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The All India Management Association (AIMA) administers the MAT exam for admission to over 20,000 prestigious management positions at top-tier colleges across the country...
Posted On: 21 Feb, 2024 | |
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The MAT admit card will include information about the exam centre, the student, the exam schedule, and instructions...
Posted On: 23 Feb, 2024 | |
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Students who want to apply for the MAT CBT exam, which is scheduled for March 10, 2024, can do so by visiting the official website...
Posted On: 05 Mar, 2024 | |
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MAT 2.0, which will be available in May 2024, is an updated version of the exam that intends to include new components such as current business and economic developments...
Posted On: 02 Apr, 2024 | |
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MAT exam is conducted for admission to MBA and PGDM/PGP programmes offered by over 700 B-Schools in India. The exam is conducted multiple times in four phases – February, May, September and December. For any information related to MAT exam, go to the general information tab given above, where you will get all the information related to the exam.
The minimum eligibility criteria for MAT exam is graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Final year graduation students or awaiting results are also eligible to appear in MAT. For detailed information of MAT exam eligibility please click on above Eligibility button.
Yes, MAT exam is conducted only for admission to MBA and PGDM/PGP courses. It is a management aptitude test comprising quantitative aptitude, critical reasoning, data interpretation, data sufficiency, language comprehension and general awareness. To get any information about MAT exam, you can go to the general information button above.
The MAT application fee is as follows: Paper-Based Test (PBT): INR 1,900 Computer-Based Test (CBT): INR 1,900 Internet-Based Test (IBT): 1,900 Both PBT & CBT: INR 3050. For all the information related to MAT Exam Fee and step by step process click on the general information button given above.
CAT is the most popular MBA entrance exam in India because it is the gateway to IIMs and other top B-school. However, it is a tough exam compared to MAT and there is no provision to improve score by taking multiple attempts unlike MAT.
There is no age limit for appearing in MAT exam. Any candidate who has a graduation degree can appear for MAT. They can be fresh graduates or working professionals with several years of work experience. For detailed information of MAT exam age limit please click on above Eligibility button.
The CAT is more difficult than MAT, and its score is accepted by the top IIMs and B-schools across India. Comparatively, MAT is much easier, and around 600+ management universities in India accept the MAT result score. For MAT Exam Preparation, visit Notopedia Exam Section>College Entrance and do explore 40+ Papers, 30+ Online Tests, 70+ Notes & 320+ Videos, and much more.
The MAT is accepted by over 600 MBA colleges in India, making it one of the country's most popular MBA entrance exams. Furthermore, MBA colleges that accept MAT scores for admission offer a variety of popular, emerging, and niched specializations. For MAT Exam Preparation, visit Notopedia Exam Section>College Entrance and do explore 40+ Papers, 30+ Online Tests, 70+ Notes & 320+ Videos, and much more.
MAT features multiple-choice questions, from the fundamental concepts of mathematics, reasoning, English Language, and general awareness. For MAT Exam Preparation, visit Notopedia Exam Section>College Entrance and do explore 40+ Papers, 30+ Online Tests, 70+ Notes & 320+ Videos, and much more.
NO!, IIM does not accept the MAT result for admission instead they use the CAT score. To know more about management entrance such as XAT, MAT, or CAT, do visit Notopedia and get access to thousand of Online Tests, Notes, and Papers for free.
For quick multiplication and division, Practicing an adequate number of MAT mock tests and sample papers will prepare you for the main exam, so you should practice 30-35 mock tests. To improve your percentile scores, focus on maximizing the accuracy of every question that you solve in mock tests and sample papers. To know more about management entrance such as XAT, MAT, or CAT, do visit Notopedia and get access to thousands of Online Tests, Notes, and Papers for free.
For those who are preparing for the other MBA exams, including XAT, MAT, and CAT, 3 months is enough time to prepare for the MAT exam. Make sure your preparation is going according to plan, which includes watching online videos, solving papers from past years, and taking online examinations. Notopedia's exam section is always beneficial for quick and effective exam preparation; take a look at the 40+ online quizzes, 50+ handpicked videos, and a tonne of previous year's papers.
IBT stands for Internet Based Test. AIMA introduced remote-proctored exam in due to Coronavirus outbreak for candidates to take the exam from home on a laptop or desktop with functional web camera. To know full detail about MAT Exam Mode, Language, Pattern etc. Go through the format button given above.
The duration of MAT exam (PBT, CBT and IBT modes) is 2.5 hours or 150 minutes. There is no sectional time limit in MAT so candidates can utilise the 2.5 hours as per their own strategy. You can check all the detailed information about type of questions, time limit, negative marking, language asked in MAT exam by clicking on the format button given above.
Total marks of MAT exam is 200. The question paper has 200 questions (40 in each section) carrying one mark each. There is negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. By clicking on the format button above, you can see the marking scheme of MAT exam, which shows how many marks are assigned to each question and how many marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
No, there is no sectional time limit in MAT exam. Candidates can decide on their own how much time they should spend on which section. It is advisable to attempt the easier sections first and then move to tougher sections.
Each section of MAT exam has equal weightage of 40 questions and 40 marks. Each question carries one mark for correct attempt. There is negative marking in MAT. Thus, candidates must not attempt a question they are not sure of.
Yes, you can attempt MAT exam as many times as you want. MAT is conducted multiple times in a year and three different modes. However, the score of the last attempted MAT exam will be considered for admission. Complete details about MAT Exam is available on the general information section above.
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